Adeline Hugonnard
Adeline Hugonnard was a French painter born in Saint-Etienne (Loire) in
1906. She died in Chauffailles (Saône-et-Loire) in 1987.
Considered a regional artist, she has devoted much of her works
to floral patterns. A student of the School of Fine Arts in Saint Etienne (Ecole des Beaux-Arts), Adeline Hugonnard exhibited her first paintings at 19, in 1925.
Five paintings were exhibited at the Salon de la Société des Arts du Forez (chrysanthemums, dahlias, carnations, roses and asters). Among the works of the exhibition, there
were paintings by Antoine Barbier, the city of Lyon master of watercolors. In 1926, the city of Saint-Etienne
bought a still life, flowers and fruits. This was the first in long series of
works acquired by the Saint-Etienne community (institutional and private collections).
She kept painting all her life and exhibited regularly in regional events:
Saint-Etienne, Lyon (Autumn Salon), Roanne. She
painted oval shape canvas up to the thirties. Watercolors are less common.
She was diagosed a larynx malformation at birth
in 1906. This will make her deaf and mute, and did undoubtedly impede her career
as a painter and the rating of her work.
After the death of her father in 1940, she
then lived with her mother. She joined the Chauffailles retirement home after the death of
her mother. The retirement home management arranged a painting studio for her
and she kept painting flowers on many substrates (lining of her coat, mops, etc.). At her
death, without posteryty, she donated by will her studio collection to the city of Chauffailles.
The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Saint-Etienne
(Loire) has two paintings (oil on canvas), the Centre National des Arts Plastiques
(CNAP) has another one. The Museum of the
City of Chauffailles, located in the Castle of Chauffailles
(Saône-et-Loire) has some others, alongside works by Marcel
Journay. An exhibition organized by the gallery "La Bartavelle" took place in 2010 in Charlieu (Loire): "Adeline
Hugonnard, flower painter", and in 2014 in Usson-En-Forez : "Adeline Hugonnard a life


Three watercolors and one
oil on oval canvas by
Adeline Hugonnard
Former private collection of
Mr. & Mrs Larmet

Oil on canvas
Private collection of Mr. Gérard
Marion |

Oil on canvas, around
1933, 45,5 cm x
32,5 cm.
Private collection of Mr. Serge
Arnaud |

Oil on canvas, between 1925 and 1930, 61x50cm
Private collection of Mr. Christian
Bayon |

Adeline Hugonnard's
signature |
Bibliography and
"Petit catalogue pour découvrir les peintres entre Loire et Sornin"
A catalog presenting the numerous
local painters of the region : M. Degenne, P. Chabal Dussurgey, F. Firmin Girard, C. Devillié, J. Puy, E. Noirot, Y. Montet, R. Megret, O. Lafay, A. Charnay, F. Millet, M. Montet, M. Trouillet, A. Dechelette, A. Hugonnard, M. Pincour, M. Beauze Reynaud, L. Caradot, G. Souchon, R. de la Fresnaye, M. Tete, L. Dinet, . H. Senard, H. VIeilly, M. Nicola,s, M. Espinos, E. Mandon, CH. L. Picaud,
among others.
By Eric Ballandra, preface by Danièle Miguet, Conservateur en chef du
patrimoine, publisher "La Bartavelle" 2001, ISBN 2-87744-604-2 - In-8
square (21 x 21 cm) paper-backed, colors illustrated cover, 235 p - 2 rue de la Tour de l'Eglise - 42190 Charlieu, France
- Ph. +33 (4) 77 60 11 94 -
Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole
La Terrasse - CS 10241
42006 Saint-Étienne, Cedex 1, France
Ph. +33 (4) 77 79 52 52 - Fax +33 (4) 77 79 52 50 - |
- Nature morte fleurs et fruits (Still life
flowers and fruits), around 1925, French School, oil on canvas, purchased
from the artist in 1927, n° inv. : 43.4.245
- Symphonie en jaune (Yellow symphony), around 1930,
French School, oil on canvas, 37 x 45,5 cm, S.H.DR. : A Hugonnard, purchased
from the artist in 1931, n° inv. : 43.4.246
These two paintings can be viewed through the web
site below:
Consortium of Contemporary Art State
Collections of France

Centre National des Arts Plastiques
Tour Atlantique - 1 place de la Pyramide
92911 Paris, France
Ph. +33 (1) 46 93 99 50 - |
- Les roses, s.d., oil on canvas, 55,2 x 45 cm, purchased
from the artist in 1935.
Inv. : FNAC 13608 Centre national des arts plastiques >>>

Musée de la Ville de Chauffailles
Château de Chauffailles - 71170 Chauffailles, France - Ph. +33 (3) 85 26 55 00 -
Paintings by :
Montet, Cornu, Belleud, Legrand, Yves Renaudin, Adeline Hugonnard, Marcel
Journay. |
Press Articles :
Loire - Paintings - "Il veut réhabiliter une artiste stéphanoise mise de côté par Wikipédia"
("He wants to rehabilitate an artist from Saint-Etienne put aside by Wikipedia)"
by Alexandre Pauze, 16 october 2016 - Le Progrès - - >>>
Loire - Paintings - "Adeline Hugonnard a peint toute sa vie des oeuvres « qui méritent qu’on s’y intéresse »"
("Adeline Hugonnard has painted all her life works 'which deserve our
attention'") by Alexandre Pauze,
16 october 2016 - Le Progrès - - >>>
Chauffailles | La peinture d’Adeline Hugonnard séduit toujours
("Painting by Adeline Hugonnard still seduces")
17 septembre 2018 - Le Journal de Saône et Loire - >>>
Chauffailles | Jean-Pierre Pyat et des peintres amateurs exposent cet été
2 april 2016 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
Chauffailles | Adeline Hugonnard mériterait la sienne
20 September 2015 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
Chauffailles |
L'exposition d'été se poursuit au château
22 august 2013 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
Chauffailles |
Élisabeth Gilbert-Dragic expose
14 july 2013 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
By Évelyne Lussan (CLP)
Chauffailles |
Élisabeth Gilbert-Dragic ouvre la saison de peinture
11 july 2013 -
Chauffailles |
Pol Gérard Tachon et les artistes qui exposent
18 august 2012 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
Chauffailles |
Deux nouvelles salles inaugurées
10 july 2012 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
Chauffailles | Vernissage de deux nouvelles salles du musée samedi
29 june 2012 - Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire -
2014 : "Adeline Hugonnard, une vie de peinture" - Ecomusée des
Monts du Forez - From 11 to 30 november 2014 from 14h
to 18h - 5 place de L'église - 42550 Usson-En-Forez,
2010 : "Adeline Hugonnard, peintre de fleurs" - Galerie "La Bartavelle" - 2 rue de la Tour de l'Eglise - 42190 Charlieu, France.
2006 : "Voici des fleurs" - Maison de Pays de Mornant
- Du 5 Mai au 4 Juin - Place Jacques Truphémus - 69440 Mornant, France
Catalogue du Salon d'Automne de Lyon de 1946
Writers : Louis Maudet; Edmond Locard; Société du Salon d'automne (Lyon); Bascou frères.
Publisher : Société du Salon d'Automne de Lyon (Place Bellecour, Lyon 8,
Catalogue du Salon d'Automne de Lyon de 1936
Writers : Alexandre Rey; Louis Prost; Société lyonnaise des beaux-arts; A. Rey et Cie.
Publisher : Société du Salon d'Automne de Lyon (Place Bellecour, Lyon 8,
Note : the publication of this page on Wikipedia
is not yet possible as the notoriety of this artist is judged insufficient. As a
result, her name does not appear in the Wikipedia page of the Musée d’Art
Moderne Saint-Etienne Métropole and on the City of Saint-Etienne page.
The creation of the Adeline Hugonnard page has
been suggested to the SansPagEs Wikipedia project:
If you have more information on
this artist and her works, please send it to the address below. If you own a
painting by Adeline Hugonnard, please send its precise description and a picture.

Last update : 20161019 12:00